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Start streaming - smarter, faster & easier. With Streamstar you will be able to:
Streamstar SW offers maximal flexibility accepting the widest range of inputs, video formats and supporting all major I/O device manufacturers. Powerful Production Tools, clear operational logic and streamlined workflows provide the greatest creative freedom and flexibility. Streamstar is the only product on the market that includes a sophisticated, all camera Replays and Slow Motion system that is extremely powerful yet easy to use. It offers instant replays of all camera angles in variable framerate Slow Motion. This Streamstar's unique technology has no match in the industry and it makes the Streamstar SW an indispensable tool for any live sports production in particular.
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UEFA Champions League, IHL Hockey World Cup, Lega Pro Football league, Ice Hockey, Handball, Volleyball, Basketball leagues, Cricket, Rugby, Swimming, Badminton and Fencing championships - it is all done with Streamstar.
Live production and streaming studio in a compact rack unit!
8 channel live production and streaming studio in a 4RU rack unit!
This clearly labeled, color coded keyboard, makes the creative work with Streamstar® SW even faster. Recommended for professional productions and users who require the most used custom keycommands to be readily accessible from a keyboard. It is also a superb way to learn the Streamstar® SW key commands and shortcuts.
Streamstar NDX 800 Hybrid IP/NDI & SDI Live Production and Streaming Studio
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